SEVENTEENTH Annual Pro-Life Science and Technology Conference
Saturday, October 24th, 2020
Held online in this Year of the COVID-19
All biographies current at time of conference.
Thanks to the LifeTech 2020 sponsors!
Knights of Columbus #6144 New Carlisle, OH
Knights of Columbus #3724 Fairborn, OH
Monsignor Buckley Assembly Knights of Columbus #0822 Fairborn, OH
Clark County Right to Life, Springfield, OH
Consider being a sponsor of future conferences. LifeTech is a 501-C3 tax deductible organization.
Steven Cornett
President, LifeTech
Opening Statement
Fr. Larry Gearhart
Parochial Vicar, Springfield Deanery
On the Principle of Solidarity
This will be an expository talk.

I'm a parochial vicar for the Springfield, Ohio, Deanery. My current duties include daily Mass, hearing confessions, responding to sick calls (anointings, hearing confessions and general pastoral care) and presiding at baptisms, weddings and funerals. I am a "circuit rider" in the sense that I may be called upon to substitute for a priest on vacation or some other form of leave.
I've been thinking about moral theology for decades. My first talk for the LifeTech conference (which had a different name back then) was on developing an axiomatic foundation for the morality of natural law. I realized, recently, that it's important to map out the landscape of pro-life issues, to help us develop a clearer understanding of them and to see how revelation, natural law, jurisprudence and civic virtue apply and how these issues interrelate. I believe this will help us respond more thoughtfully when challenged by folks who regard the most fragile human life as less important than some other value.
Dr. Stephen Sammut
Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH
Utilizing Animal Models in the Investigation of Pregnancy-related Scenarios: Investigating Abortion and Ectopic Pregnancy
In my presentation I wished to address the research I conduct in my lab. Firstly I will address the research that was published last year pertaining to the negative effects of abortion in a rat model. In addition to the results, I will address why animal models are important and what they can tell us about human physiology and neurophysiology. Additionally, I will address the current direction of the research and the reasons for it. Finally, I will briefly address the other major research project taking place in the lab pertaining to the development of a potential technique that could ultimately be used in ectopic pregnancy in order to save the life of both the mother and the baby.

Sammut, BPharm, PhD, Stephen is a Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH. Dr. Sammut received a BPharm from Monash University in Victoria, Australia and a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Malta in Malta, Europe. For over 20 years, Dr. Sammut has conducted research in animal models utilizing various in vivo and in vitro techniques in order to investigate questions related to behavior, cellular activity, neurotransmitter release, and how these are altered in psychiatric diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and psychostimulant-induced drug sensitization. He has authored and co-authored several papers in leading scientific journals related to the research he has conducted and has also presented his work at various conferences and institutions, nationally and internationally. His research efforts currently are focused on three areas: 1) behavioral research geared at investigating the biological consequences of abortion in an animal model 2) the investigation of the rewarding and motivational drive and connection between natural rewards and drugs of abuse in an animal model and 3) survey based research focusing on investigating factors affecting university student’s wellbeing.
David Prentice
Vice President and Research Director, Charlotte Lozier Institute
Fetal Tissue, Cell Lines, COVID-19 Vaccine Science and Ethics
Starting in Wuhan, China at least by December 2019, the new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has spread to become a global pandemic, infecting tens of millions and causing over a million deaths. No effective vaccines or treatments exist for this emergent virus, and currently over 200 vaccine candidates and over 300 potential therapies are under development. For many potential recipients of a vaccine or treatment, there are questions about not only the safety and effectiveness of a particular intervention but also questions of conscience about accepting any particular vaccine, in particular if it was developed using illicitly-obtained biological material. We will discuss utilization of various biological materials in research and vaccine production, ethical questions that need to be asked, and survey what is known about the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates. Accurate knowledge is needed to make informed ethical decisions.

David A. Prentice, Ph.D., is vice president and research director for the Charlotte Lozier Institute. He is also adjunct professor of molecular genetics at the John Paul II Institute, The Catholic University of America, and advisory board chair and scientific member for the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, a unique comprehensive stem cell center in Kansas that he was instrumental in creating. In 2020, he was appointed by the Secretary of HHS to the federal Human Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board. Dr. Prentice has over 40 years’ experience as a scientific researcher and professor, including previous service as senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council, professor of life sciences at Indiana State University, and adjunct professor of medical and molecular genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine. He established the stemcellresearchfacts.org website, an educational resource on adult stem cells and patients who have received scientifically validated treatments, and is a founding member of Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics, and an advisory board member for the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. He has provided scientific advice for numerous medical and scientific professionals, legislators, policymakers and organizations at the state, federal, and international levels. Dr. Prentice’s research interests encompass various aspects of cell growth control, cell and developmental biology; one major focus is adult stem cells. Dr. Prentice has given testimony and/or scientific and policy briefings in 40 states and 21 countries, the U.S. Senate and House, European Parliament, and UN, on topics including stem cells, cloning, fetal tissue research, gene editing, cell culture, embryology and bioethics.
Pastor Walter Moss
Pro-life Pastor
Why I am a Black Pro-Life Pastor
A discussion of the crippling effects of abortion on the Black community, as covered in my book "Why I Am a Black Pro-Life Pastor".
Walter S. Moss has been a pastor for 22 years, but has served in ministry for a total of 39 years. He is currently the chaplain for Forty Days for Life and a Pro-Life Ambassador. He is associated with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition and works with many youth groups throughout Ohio to promote spiritual growth and positive attitudes. He also operates a prison ministry at the Stark County Jail and at Ohio’s state prisons.
Pastor Moss has served on the Founding and Advisory Board of what is now the Pregnancy Support Center of Stark County and Northeastern Ohio. He has also served on the Advisory Board of Stark State College, spoken as a motivational speaker to diverse groups, and traveled to Caribbean and African nations for mission work. He is currently the president of the IMA.
Pastor Moss attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio and was a founder of the Gospel Voices of Faith choir. He graduated in 1977 and received a Master’s Degree in Theology from Jacksonville Theological Seminary in 2003. He has received a plethora of community awards, including the Path Finder Award from McKinley High School, the Stark NAACP Humanitarian Award, and awards from the Stark County Pregnancy Support Center and the Stark County Social Workers’ Network.
Abortion is the primary pro-life issue of our time as evident by the hundreds of organizations that seek to reduce abortions and eventually prevent all abortions by a combination of legal, activist, service, and educational efforts. Virtually every profession, and category of human beings are represented in this massive effort.
What about contraception? The pro-life community is well aware that contraception supports abortion in two ways.
First, ALL contraceptive methods fail which often results in the mother seeking help at a Pregnancy Support Center or a Pregnancy Termination Center. Both of these organizations report that 50 to 60% of clients claim they became pregnant while using contraception.
Pro-lifers also know that the most common forms of contraception depend on hormonal action that prevents a newly conceived human from implanting in the endometrium causing her/his death by lack of nutrition. These hormonal methods thus act primarily as abortifacients.
BUT, these two ways that contraception leads to (or actually causes) abortion have not moved (with rare exceptions) the pro-life movement to discourage contraceptive use. Why is that? What about the "contraceptive philosophy/mentality" by which a male and female couple intentionally participate in the "procreation act" while intending the act to be "non-procreative?" Their intention is clearly against the beginning of life--anti-life!
What does God the Creator think about that? The Redeemer? the Holy spirit? Natural Law and philosophy? The Church of Jesus Christ?
Stephen J Koob, PhD, has a BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Parks College of St Louis U, an MS in Aeronautical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and PhD from Purdue in Fluid Mechanics. During his 20 years active duty with the USAF, he was engaged in research and development at the Flight Dynamics Laboratory, and teaching/research at the Air Force Institute of Technology. His pro-life work began with Clark County RTL in the late 70s and continued with Dayton RTL, Ohio RTL, Elizabeth's New Life Center, numerous "Life Academies", American Family Assn, and for the past 25 years as the Director and Co-Founder (with Mary Ann Walsh) of One More Soul, an apostolate committed to helping people understand the blessings of children, the harm of contraception/sterilization, and the benefits of natural family planning. For over 10 years, Steve has hosted "The Quest for a Culture of Life in America" on Radio Maria USA Tuesday Noon ET. Steve and Vivian share 15 children and 19 grandchildren.
Dave Banaszak
Adjunct Professor, Clark State Community College
Population Decline in Clark County Ohio
This paper reports on the correlation between births, deaths, abortions, unwed birth rates, poverty rates, and unintentional drug overdose deaths in Clark County Ohio through 2016. Its discussion of the impact of population decline on county businesses, education, and poverty can not only provide information for making better decisions in the future but also shows the bad effect of past choices deliberately to limit the population in Clark County.

Dave Banaszak was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After graduating from New Berlin High School, he served in the Air Force for 4 years. He attended the University of Wisconsin Madison and graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. David moved from Wisconsin to Ohio during 1971 to work as an electronics engineer at Wright Patterson Air Force Base until retiring from civil service in 2007. He obtained a MS degree in Applied Statistics from Wright State University in 1996. He currently teaches introductory math, algebra and statistics at Clark State Community College. Dave is happily married to Patricia since 1967 and has four surviving children. A fifth child, John Paul, died in 1988; 35 days after a very premature birth. Dave’s work with Clark County Right to Life started in 1974. He is also a member of Knights of Columbus since 1974.
This talk is about the reality of what is commonly held as 'brain death', and why it is not as clear cut as we may be led to believe.

Dr. Paul Byrne married Shirley (deceased) during the year he began his internship at St. Louis University Hospitals. They are the parents of 12 children -- and grandparents of 27(!)
Dr. Byrne is Board Certified in Pediatrics and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. He is currently Director of Pediatrics and Neonatology at St. Charles Mercy Hospital and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical University of Ohio in Toledo, OH. He has also been on the faculty of Medical Schools of St. Louis University, Creighton University and Oral Roberts University.
Dr. Byrne has written publications and abstracts for medical journals, law literature and the lay press. Many deal with “brain death”, euthanasia and abortion. He is the writer and producer of the film, Continuum of Life. He is a co-editor of the book Beyond Brain Dead. He has been a guest columnist for USA Today and other newspapers, and opposed Dr. Kevorkian on Crossfire.
He was the president of the Catholic Medical Association of USA for 97-98. Since 1967 he has given testimony to eight state legislatures.