LifeTech is a 501(c)(3) organization. We will gladly accept any donations. All donations are tax-deductible. Click the "Donate" button on the right to make a donation through PayPal.
Donations can also be mailed to:
815 W Main St
Springfield. OH 45504
Other Ways to Support Us
LifeTech has partnered with other organizations. Use their services and a percentage is sent to us.
LifeTech has partnered with GoodSearch. GoodSearch is a search engine similar to Google or Bing, except that LifeTech will receive $.01 every time you do a search.
To sign up, just click on the icon to the left. You can also go to, click "Find a cause to support" and search for LifeTech.
LifeTech will also earn money when you shop through its companion site, GoodShop. Many online retailers where you already shop are part of the GoodShop network. The amount we receive varies from one retailer to another.
Kroger Community Rewards
For Kroger shoppers who have a Kroger Plus card, you can a have a percentage of your purchases sent to LifeTech. Simply click on the icon to the left. You may need to create an account. If you already have one, you can simply sign in and select us as your charity using the code NPO 32610.